Have you ever wonder, what is femininity? What is masculinity? Are they spirits or energies? Well, hopefully, I can break these down to you in a way that both I can explain and you can understand.
To Understand Them, We Must First Define Them
Femininity and masculinity are spirits. A spirit is something that is absorbed by your soul. There are tons of spirits and they’re attracted to your soul. Spirits can sometimes work with your soul or against it. Basically, that voice in your head that speaks to you and only you can hear it, that’s your soul. It is your real you, even if there’s no body to fill up, your soul remains. A spirit is what allows you to like things, be attracted to, and make connections with other individuals. Your spirit is the reason you fall in love or categorize as a certain gender. It is also the reason behind how you react towards certain people or things, such as envy or even hate. Spirits release energy that is absorbed by the soul, this is how our moods change throughout the day and even points of view throughout our lives. So, your soul is like your mind, but the spirit is what fills your heart (not the physical aspect though), and your body is your physical form that holds it all together. I’ll explain spirits and how they work a little further in another post.
Okay, now that we understand the difference between spirits and souls, let’s get into how this defines femininity and masculinity. Femininity, and masculinity, are both spirits and as I said prior, spirits release energy that is absorbed by your soul. So, your soul is a door that can be opened but it needs a key, and the spirit of femininity or masculinity is attracted to your soul. It releases its energy onto you and you absorb it. This spirit works well with your soul because it’s the key that opens the soul up, something that goes with it. Every soul has its opening key. The soul doesn’t care about the body when it is absorbing into that spirit’s energy. It just absorbs and flows. This is where we find out who we really are, either feminine or masculine. Please remember we are talking about soul and spirit, not body yet.
When Does The Body Come in?
Okay, we have probably hit the hardest part of the conversation. When we are born, our soul is introduced to a body. Like I previously stated, a soul is like a door. And the spirit is a key. That soul will look for its key, and only the soul knows which key belongs to it. The funny thing about souls is that they need a body to inhabit but they don’t always care about the sex of the body. Some souls are picky and want only one type of sex, like a feminine soul, which will only inhabit a female sex body. Or masculine soul will only inhabit a masculine sex body. Some souls aren’t that picky, therefore, they will inhabit anybody that they find worthy and good to fulfill their purpose. This is when we see many humans say that they feel they were born in incorrect bodies. So, as much as many will try to impose their societal views on these individuals, society must first see the spiritual realm before anyone can judge them or tell them they’re wrong.
Okay, the body does play a huge role in what we like as well. Our body works with us, and just like our soul is attracted to spiritual things, our body is attracted to physical things. Things like certain foods or colors and even genders. So, your soul may be feminine and your body female but you may be attracted to another female body. And this is completely okay, it just means your body and your physical brain are attracted to the same sex. It is what makes your body feel good and complete. This doesn’t mean that you’re not feminine, it just means that you like what you like, and that’s okay.
Hopefully, I haven’t confused you guys. Let me explain it a little better.
–The Soul = Mind, who you really are. The door. The Soul needs a vessel to inhabit to fulfill its purpose.
–The Body = Vessel, the physical, it also has a physical mind that thinks and likes certain things.
–The Spirit = Key, your real gender. The reason you fall in love with certain individuals or act a certain way.
These 3 work together at all times. They can’t work if not together.
However, when it comes to spirits your body and soul can only have one, either masculine or feminine to work well at the moment. But there are a lot more spirits your body can absorb from at the same time without losing its femininity or masculinity. But like I said, spirits deserve their own post and they will have it.
But Why Do People Keep Saying, “Feminine and Masculine Energy”?
Okay, this is a question I had myself. Luckily, I found the answer. Spirits release energy, that’s where the word energy comes from. Femininity is the battery your soul runs on. It’s like a rechargeable battery. It’s the only battery that fits in your soul. Another example, like the door and the key. Feminine, as well as masculine spirits, release energy onto the earth, energy that your soul absorbs. The feminined soul absorbs masculine and the masculined soul absorbs feminine. While absorbing the opposing energy, they are draining energy from themselves. The fastest way our spirit releases energy is sexual. That’s why many will tell you, be careful who you let drain you (sexually). Mental fatigue is also a fast way to lose spiritual energy because the soul, spirit, and body work together.
There are ways that the spirit can release energy while also charging up. For the feminine spirit, kissing our kids, hugging, cuddling, and doing super “girly” things are ways we release our femininity while also recharging it. Like seeing a bride on her wedding dress, every female around her including little girls will look at her and even tell her “You look like a princess.” So, that bride released feminine energy for others to absorb but also recharged by doing feminine things. Things that make her look and feel happy, beautiful, and feminine.
The same is true for the masculine spirit. Like seeing a man doing construction and getting all sweaty. Or seeing a very muscular man in the gym. Other men see him and say, wow, I wish I had arms like his, big and strong. Or like a little boy seeing Superman and just getting super excited. That superhero feel is his masculinity releasing his energy onto the world. (These are just examples but hopefully, you understand.)
Feminine vs Masculine Energy Absorbed
The feminine vs the masculine spirit absorb energy differently. Our spirits can only absorb very little from each other. Like a masculined soul can absorb female energy but only towards physical aspects, such as keeping his home in order and nice, and take care of kids all on their own. Even if it may seem hard given the fact that they’re not nurturing spirits, they become nurturing while also being protectors. This doesn’t mean they’re not masculine, it’s just energy absorbed to fulfill his duty as a parent and keep balance.
The feminine spirit absorbs masculine energy the same way. Although, for the feminine spirit it has become easier to absorb more masculine energy as the years progressed. When a feminine absorbs masculine energy is when we lift very heavy weights, play rough sports, wear masculine clothes. Mostly, when many women have to become head of the house and raise children by themselves, therefore, become protectors while still being nurturers. For women is easier because as time has advanced society doesn’t care much about women having to take in that masculine energy. This does not mean that they are any less feminine, it just means that they are absorbing masculine energy. Energy that is necessary to keep her home in balance.
But, just like any battery, it can only go to 100%. Any time that a soul either feminine or masculine is absorbing the other spirit, their own spirit’s energy is drained to have space to fill up with the other spirit. So, when a feminine spirit is charging up masculine energy, the feminine spirit is draining out, and even though the spirit is charging with energy, it is not its a natural energy and it will still feel drained. The same goes for the masculine spirit. When a spirit feels drained, it feels tired, sad, and lonely, making the energy it releases toxic many times.
Toxic Femininity vs Toxic Masculinity Explained.
So, when a spirit is absorbing too much of the other spirit’s energy, it gets irritated. Have you ever heard a woman saying, “all men are the same!”? And not mean it in a good way, but instead to imply that all men are not good. Well, that woman is sadly releasing toxic femininity. If you look back at why she’s saying that, is usually because of a bad or a few bad experiences with men. She’s most likely had to take on that masculine role and is absorbing too much masculine energy. Or she made have had an experience so bad with a man that instead of feeling protected by him, she felt hurt, betrayed or used. Remember, a masculine spirit is the protector while the feminine spirit is the nurturer. Many women were not raised by father figures or good masculine spirits all together. They may not know what to expect from good masculinity, leading them to bad individuals and having to save themselves from bad situations. The same goes for the msaculine spirit. When a man lacks proper masculinity raising him, he ends up becoming destructive in his future relationships. And if that man had a mother figure who released a lot of toxic femininity, she may be the reason he treats women disrespectfully or doesn’t show up to be a good father. Majority of the way we act as adults was taught to us as children. The things we weren’t taught we had to learn, and many of those learned behaviors are really traumas. Now, we can’t blame anyone for releasing toxic energy because it is not their intention. Also, because most times these individuals have been put in these situations and can’t find no other way than to stand up for themselves for pure survival. So props to all my strong and fierce parental figures that tried their best with their children. Remember, being a parent does not come with a manual and trauma can’t be healed by just ignoring it, so heal now so you can help your future generations heal as well.
The Masculine and Feminine Spirit Work Together
The feminine spirit is reinforced by the masculine and vice versa. When a person is masculine, they’re very goal-driven, confident, assertive, more focused, more likely to take risks, logical, and very physically protective. A feminine person is more intuitive, caring, nurturing, compassionate, and more emotionally driven. They need each other because each one has what the other lacks. When we see two masculine energized people in a relationship they clash. One will usually out-do the other. The same goes for two feminine spirits in a relationship. And, remember we are speaking about spirits, not bodies. There can be two “females” (physically speaking) in a relationship and one will always be more “girly” than the other. That’s where the feminine spirit is energized the most, making the other “female” take on the masculine energy more. This does not mean that the one taking on the masculine energy won’t have their moments of femininity, but they are able to shift throughout. The same goes for two physical “males” in relationships. One will take on more of the carer and nurturer side and the other the more assertive and protective side. This will make their relationship work. It has very little to do with the physical body. This doesn’t mean that a same-sex relationship can’t work if two individuals are energized by the same spirit, but as I stated previously, this means that they are more physically attracted to each other and unless their spirits switch between roles a lot, they will clash often. But, anything is possible in the spirit realm, so who knows.
Okay, with this being said. The masculine and feminine spirits need each other for balance. True harmony is reached when a healthy masculine energy meets with a healthy feminine energy. In a relationship where femininity and masculinity are both working together instead of against each other, happiness flows, love is pure and children are raised in very good homes. When the spirits are dealing with traumas or not working on their spirits roles, there’s a lot of verbal and even physical aggression. It’s rarely ever a happy home and children are usually the ones to pay the price. When only one of the spirits is working on their roles instead of both, that spirit usually ends up hurt, therefore releasing more toxicity or having to walk away.
So, knowing this information, which type of spirit do you think you are? Masculine or feminine? Healthy, healed, or toxic? Remember, in order to be working your spirit to its fullest potential, you have to accept that there may be trauma in your life and realize that healing and forgiveness (even if there isn’t an apology) must happen before you can be your best self.
Hopefully, you learned something new, or your mind cleared something up that had been bothering it. Remember, you are you for a reason and a purpose. Seek it, heal, love, and grow. I love you and thank you for reading.
xoxo, Dayanne